Congratulations to the Belgian BB5 NT - 5th in EC!
11/11/2023 1 Minute Read

Congratulations to the Belgian BB5 NT - 5th in EC!

After securing a 5th place in the BB5 EC 2023, Nicolas Havelange (NT manager) was named best coach of the Tournament!

In the Baseball5 European Championship 2023 our Belgian National Team BB5 seniors has finished in a respectable 5th place.

Lithuania won the final of the EC, securing the gold medal by defeating France in a closely contested battle. The conclusive standings of the Baseball5 European Championship 2023 are as follows:

  1. Lithuania
  2. France
  3. Spain
  4. Netherlands
  5. Belgium
  6. Italy
  7. Finland
  8. Czechia
  9. Bulgaria
  10. Romania
  11. Estonia
  12. Moldova
  13. Latvia

Outstanding coaching performance was recognized to Nicolas Havelange, making him part of an All Europe BB5 Team together with Italian coach Maurizio Balla.

A big shout out goes as well to the 2 Belgian BB5 game officials, Elyse Truchon and Johan Vrijders (official Finals) !!

All team info via: